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“She Died From Three Bullets”

17 May

Today was slightly less stressful than yesterday, and I managed to go to the cinema and watch Hanna. Before I start talking about the actual film, a quick side note. We went to a Vue cinema, and were slightly disturbed by the creepy night vision clips they had showing in the entrance. When I say clips, I mean CCTV footage of people in other screens. Now, don’t get me wrong, CCTV is fine, and it makes sense to have night vision on since cinema screens are so dark. Broadcasting it for all to see whilst queuing for films? A tiny bit odd. Do they do this in all Vue Cinemas? Keep it in the backstage areas please!

Back on topic… the film is amazing. On its own, the storyline is actually pretty good – but much of the brilliance has to be attributed to Saoirse Ronan. She is incredible! The story follows a 16 year old girl who is trained by her father to be the perfect killer as she travels across Africa and Europe on a mission. It has all the usual action bits, but it also has the added awkward teenage parts from a girl who has never interacted with anyone other than her father. Ronan plays the part so well, it is hard not to fall in love with her. I am yet to see her in anything else, but as a big fan of The Lovely Bones book I’ve definitely added the motion picture to my must watch list. The sad news is that she announced last week that she won’t be in The Hobbit, as has been rumoured since January. She conveys such emotion and innocence, Ronan was perfectly cast for this role. The film has a few other big names, Eric Bana (mmm) and Cate Blanchett (NOT Tilda Swinton, although with the same hair easily confusable I think…) are the main two, but don’t add a huge amount to the film. Cate Blanchett gets a bit teary-eyed in parts, but is then supposed to be believable as a cold hearted ass-kicking CIA agent who shoots people in the head and has a child killing streak not unlike King Herod. I’m not sure which side I prefer, and I understand that good and evil is never totally clear cut, but I think its slightly confused. Having said that, it doesn’t take anything away from the film, and as an all rounder, its pretty good. Honourable mentions need to go to Olivia Williams and Jessica Barden, the mother and daughter (respectively) from the family Hanna first interacts with on the outside world. Both Barden and Williams are hilarious as the typical middle class British family, and add a certain humanity to the film.

For the first time outside a musical, I am excited for the soundtrack. The Chemical Brothers have done a wonderful job, and I am looking forward to listening outside the context of the film, as I attempt to cram some last minute revision in. It has also added nicely to the Glastonbury anticipation, because I will now also get to hear it whilst drunk, in a field. Bliss. Today I was reminded that I get a whole week peace and quiet at home when I get back. The joys of half term. Before that, I have an exam to get through. Earlier comments on a previous post have now made me slightly concerned I am going to be ravaged by badgers as soon as I enter the sports hall.


14 Apr

Okay, so the line up has just been released… I’m upset it isn’t sunny any more, but this news makes it once again within touching distance – so very, very excited! A couple of grumbles though; firstly, what is up with the Pyramid Stage line up this year? The Saturday looks awful, Elbow are probably the only band I’ll make the effort to go and watch. Who the hell even is Rumer? Much more excited about East Dance – Fatboy Slim, Beardyman and The Midnight Beast? Yes please. I’m ignoring Ke$ha for the time being. The only other thing I can be upset about is the fact that I am not in possession of a time turner (yes, I am getting my Harry Potter geek on – what of it?). I keep seeing more and more people I want to go and see. Eels, QOTSA and The Chemical Brothers. Essentially this is going to be a badly organised list of the Glasto line up – minus Coldplay, because its cool to hate them and U2 because Bono is so self righteous it hurts. All I need to do is find some way to lure the sunshine back to Somerset…

To take a bit of a sidestep, The Hobbit Blog has pointed me in the direction of a video (click here) that Peter Jackson posted today about the start of the production. More excitement! Very small clip of Andy Serkis in the make up chair, and Jackson talking about new parts of Rivendell that they’ve made – but they won’t show us that yet. I never really got into the Lord Of The Rings stuff as much, but I remember reading and loving the Hobbit as a child; I’ve still got the copy my Grandma gave me when I was little. Hopefully not much longer than a year to wait now… IMDB says it should be 19th December 2012, but I can’t find any other sources to back that up and the world may or may not have ended by then. I’ve survived so many apocalypses, I find it hard to keep track.

Tomorrow I have a job interview, with the wonderful people who combined Marmite and Cheddar. The only other thing of note to happen to me today was finding 50p in the dryer. I shouldn’t be as excited, but times really are that hard.