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What’s Your Favourite Scary Movie?

24 Apr

So, its been a while – the Easter break has officially kicked in, finally, and I’ve been a bit more occupied with summery things. On Monday I went to see Scream 4, or for those of us who would prefer the stylized version SCRE4M. It was amazing. I won’t include any spoilers (because I highly recommend that you see it) but my expectations were more than fulfilled.

If you didn’t like the first three, there isn’t much point – Wes Craven is a hero, and I’m so glad that they’ve stayed true to the rest of the franchise. Going from the first self aware scary movie, Scream 4 brings the whole thing almost full circle – a movie within a movie, and to quote Courtney Cox, “How meta can you get?” Courtney Cox and David Arquette both put in amazing performances, especially considering their recent split (which did not dilute the integrity of either of their roles – such professionalism!). Hayden Panettiere is another commendable presence in the film; I’m only a little disappointed she didn’t have a more prominent role. The disappointment for me was Emma Roberts. She plays the victim very well, and to begin with she was stomach-able, but towards the end of the film her character became totally unbelievable and just badly cast. I did, at one point, come very close to walking out in protest. I am, however, glad I stayed. Cox, Arquette and Neve Campbell managed to salvage the entire film, thankfully, and I am glad I stayed, because Campbell cracks out some one liners at the end that totally make the film.

I went to a gig on Friday night at the Beach in Yeovil, to see some friendly faces, and listen to some good music. A SKA gig at the Beach I hear you cry? I am so glad I went – hopefully they’ll be doing more of the same over the summer. The bands; Flippant Malarkism, The Junk and King Tuts Revenge, all bought lovely ska beats and musical tones to our ears. I don’t know much about music, but if something makes you want to dance, it’s a pretty good thing in my book. If you get the chance, definitely worth a watch.

As its Easter Sunday, there is a jug of pimms with my name on it, and I think we’re having a BBQ shortly, but I’ll be posting again soon. This one isn’t invited, but as promised, here is a picture of my lamb. Her name is Matilda, and she is getting big!